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The beauty of your smile is a strength
All techniques we use are both esthetic and accelerated.
Dental malpositions are corrected by applying discrete pressures and tractions on teeth to modify their positions. This is made possible by the fact that the bone of jaws where teeth are anchored is not a rigid structure but a flexible one.
A. Early treatment for children:
to prevent development of malocclusion.
B. Treatments for teens and adults:
1- Lingual: the metallic braces are fixed behind your teeth.

The following video is a presentation of the Incognito technique:
The following video shows in an accelerated sequence teeth alignment by the Incognito technique:
The two videos that follow are testimonials from patients who have chosen the Incognito technique to align their teeth:
2- Vestibular: the white ceramic braces are fixed in front of your teeth.

3- Invisalign: the transparent plastic aligners are placed as caps on teeth.

* The three above mentionned techniques are called esthetic techniques
because they are less visible than the classical one with metallic braces.

C. Acceleration of your Orthodontic treatment:
We are using in conjunction with the esthetic treatment the most recent modern technique in Orthodontics that can shorten by one half the time of your treatment
( as an example, from 18 to 9 months ). Acceledent accelerates teeth movement by applying soft vibrations. The small device is used by the patient himself during 20 minutes every day.

D. Our team is efficient, reliable, friendly, and performing. We constantly rely on international standards to continuously improve the quality of our care.
We are totally dedicated to the satisfaction of all our patients which we consider the reason of our existence, our absolute priority, and our principal motivation. We do take into consideration the concerns and comfort of everyone. We are engaged to the level of passion in all aspects of the orthodontic practice, human first, then technical, scientific and artistic.
We are strictly rigorous in providing all our services. We are always determined to get the best results. We are very demanding as to your personal active participation to the full success of your orthodontic treatment.
Come visit us whenever you can, you will quickly feel the difference.
E. Dental Hygiene and Orthodontic Treatment:
Maintaining your teeth perfectly clean is an absolute necessity for the success of your orthodontic treatment. Practical tips for effective teeth brushing will be given to you as soon as your treatment is initiated.

For a perfect dental hygiene, we closely work with our mouth fairies:
Florence ROTHLISBERGER at Chêne-Bourg, 078 664 94 33,
Daniela CHRISTEN at Chêne-Bougeries, 022 348 42 49
Hélène MISCHOL at Genève, 022 328 28 80,
Tani PETREMAND at Genève, 022 731 68 23,
Chakla PERRIN at Carouge, 022 301 73 74,
Lingual and vestibular Orthodontist. Orthodontic braces. Orthodontic settings. Orthodontic devices. Specialized Orthodontist in Geneva
Esthetic treatments. Orthodontic procedures. Orthodontic excellence. Elegant Orthodontics. Lingual orthodontics. Elegant orthodontics
Orthodontists Orthodontists Orthodontists Orthodontists Orthodontists Orthodontists Orthodontists Orthodontists Orthodontists Orthodontist
Orthodontics Orthodontics Orthodontics Orthodontic Lingual Braces Orthodontist Orthodontist Geneva Geneva Geneva Lingual
Lingual Orthodontist. Lingual braces. Lingual braces. Ceramic braces. Ceramic braces. Orthodontic care. Lingual orthodontics in Geneva
Specialized Orthodontist in Geneva. Qualified Orthodontist in Geneva. Efficient Orthodontist in Geneva . Top level Orthodontics in Geneva
Orthodontics orthodontist orthodontist orthodontist orthodontists orthodontists orthodontists orthodontic orthodontic orthodontic orthodontics orthodontics orthodontics geneva geneva geneva lingual braces lingual braces lingual braces